Wednesday, May 8, 2013

To be and to Justify that being

The realm of Venus where is where I am in. I sit by the door and look at the basil plant in my yard. I think of it full of things to say; saying them to the pink zinnia that looks wilted, nearby. My degrees lay dusty. Seldom used to bring home money. The warm New Mexican sun lulls me to sleep. But I dare not. Images of successes unpursued, titles unearned, cheques not brought in taunt me in in the weakness of sleep. Aware, alive to my senses I can muster enough defiance to fight back the tears and guilt they bring. I dare to live for the pristine joy of life that each moment brings. All those who mock me with your comfort and success strapped to your backs.. my reply to you is that I live a way that today is a lost art. Only I dared and dare to live a way that many should have.